Your safety is our priority #TogetherAgainstCorona

29 avril, 2020

These are challenging times when we must take care of one another.
In order to ensure a safe restart for our service and our domestic assistants and customers, we have created an instruction video and safety guide.
Follow the safety instructions closely so that you stay safe and healthy.

Over the last few weeks, COVID-19 has dramatically changed all of our lives.
To inhibit the spread of the virus, the government has taken a range of measures.

We have translated these safety measures into safety instructions and guidelines to ensure our services are safe in these challenging times.
We will only win the battle against corona if we all keep to the guidelines so please read them thoroughly and follow them carefully.

Liesbeth sets a good example in our instruction video.
You can also consult our safety guide. Our domestic assistants are being given a printed version so that they always have the guidelines to hand when starting work.
You can even take a ‘corona test’, once you've watched the video and read the guide.
It's not a test to see if you’re infected, but to see whether you’ve read and understood all of the guidelines.



Do you have any questions after taking the test?
If you have any questions or feel unsafe in a specific work situation, call the corona emergency number +32 (0)2 267 35 78.  
This emergency number is available during office hours (from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.) and only for customers and employees of Het Poetsbureau.
#StaySafe #TogetherAgainstCorona

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